Mother’s Day Cards

This afternoon class 9 made their very own cards to celebrate Mothering Sunday.

How are you going to celebrate Mother’s Day?

Garage Band

This afternoon in music, Class 9 used the app garage band to create their own musical notation. They then made a presentation explaining what they had done.

Do you know the names of any musical notes?

Bar Models

This week in Numeracy we have been solving problems using Bar Models.

How else could you solve Numeracy problems?



This afternoon, class 9 have been practising their skipping. They have been working in groups to see how many skips they can complete in a set amount of time. From this we will be able to find the average amount … Continue reading


Class 9 really enjoy their warm ups before their sports activity. This week we have used bibs to help us play stuck in the mud warm up. Why is it important to warm up before you take part in physical activity?



This gallery contains 2 photos.

This week class 9 have been organising ourselves to move to music to create Roman numerals. We are at the planning stage today, but we are looking forward to creating this piece of movement to music whilst at the farm … Continue reading


The afternoon class 9 have enjoyed reading in the library. Did you read a non fiction or a fiction book?

Welcome back!

Class 8 have enjoyed working on their topic over the holiday and have created some fantastic projects based on Romans.

Well done everyone!img_2375


Throwing event

Well done everyone who took part in the throwing event this afternoon. Class 8 are very proud of Sheridan who set a new school record of 30.5 metres. Well done Sheridan!IMG_2963IMG_2971IMG_2976IMG_2980


Today some children took part in bikability, where they learn to keep safe when riding their bike. The next bikability session is on Friday, don’t forget your bike, helmet and water bottle.