Monthly Archives: May 2016


Today in maths class 8 have been scaling down measurements by 1/10 to create model furniture. We then created nets to make the scaled down models. IMG_2534IMG_2533IMG_2536


This week class 8 have been learning all about relay races. We have worked hard to work together to give instructions to the person we are passing to so we get a smooth transition. What instructions have you used?IMG_2505IMG_2510IMG_2511IMG_2529

Class 8 were pleasantly surprised this afternoon when KS1 visited them during their PE lesson to congratulate them on completing their SATs. KS1 were very proud of class 8 and their determination and aspiration to do their best.



Well done Class 8, you have sat your final SAT test!


Class 8 have got their SATs this week. Good luck year 6!



This gallery contains 2 photos.

Because of the lovely weather, class 8 made some refreshing fruit smoothies. What ingredients would you need? to make a fruit smoothie?